Friday, February 24, 2012

"Date Shoes"

When it comes to high heels there are three types of girls:

1.)    The girls who can pull off high heels effortlessly.
2.)    The girls who can pull off high heels for a few hours then walk limp around complaining. 
3.)    The girls who refuse to try.

Obviously, high heels are not natural. I often hear girls say that high heels are a “man-made invention made to emphasize women’s breasts and ass, and to make it harder for us to run away.” I partly agree but on the other hand the women who say that are the ones that wear them.  
When people walk it’s usually heel, toe, lift, repeat. When women wear high heels, suddenly its toe, toe, toe, toe. We’re tip-toeing around, so strides are shorter and balance is off.
I personally believe that high heels are really about self-confidence. My philosophy about high heels is that it really takes practice, patience and confidence. Walking in heels is like learning to walk all over again, so it takes practice. It takes patience because it doesn't happen overnight. It takes confidence because there's no such thing as walking around meekly in heels. 
Whether it’s a 5 inch stiletto or a 1 inch kitty heel, high heels have a crazy power over women (and men... but that’s a different story). In a matter of moments, women feel sexy, taller and poised. One moment they’re a short, average girl and then put them in a hot pair of heels and now they’re a tall, beautiful woman.
I love heels. I lost count a while ago of how many I own. I want to say I own around 10 pairs, but that may be an underestimation. My favorite pair of heels are my “date shoes.” They’re about 4 inches tall and pretty much go with any outfit since they’re nude colored. (When buying heels, nude or black are your best bet because they go with anything.) 

I got these shoes at Payless last year. Payless had always been a problem for me. When you’re a bargain queen, shoe addict, Payless is dangerous. Like an alcoholic going into a liquor store. I was with my boyfriend and I purposely left my wallet in the car. I told him,

“If I bring it in there, I know I’ll buy something, but if I leave it in here I have a better chance of keeping my money.”

Like usual, he didn’t believe me. I didn’t believe me either, but it’s a strategy I’ve tried without success. I usually find myself running back to the car, without announcing it to whoever I’m with, or asking them to borrow money. I have found some of my favorite shoes when I’m not looking for them. Similar to my viewpoint on relationships, the best ones come when you’re not searching. When I go looking for shoes, I usually end up bag-less…okay, so if you’ve read my other blog posts you might know by now I might be fudging the truth, just a little…
We get to Payless, I’m wallet-less and I tell myself that we’re here just for him. Jake needs winter boots. I don’t need shoes. I don’t need shoes. I don’t NEED shoes. But I want shoes. Boy, do I WANT shoes.
I find my date shoes in a matter of minutes, even though I try to stay clear of my shoe size aisle. I sneak over anyway when Jake isn’t looking and I try to just “window shop” but I couldn’t pass these shoes up. Little peep toes, little flower cut outs, and laces? Adorable.

But, I don’t have my wallet.

“Hey babyyyyy, do you love me?”

“You want shoes, don’t you?”

And that’s when I just smile really big and bat my eyelashes a lot.

There was a buy one get one half off sale going on and Jake ended up buying his winter boots and then my date shoes for me and not letting me pay him back either. I knew he truly loved me when he supports my shoe obsession. So now I love to wear these on dates with him because it reminds me of how sweet he is, and it reminds him that I look good in heels. 


  1. One of the strong features of this blog is that it really seems like it's utilizing the techniques of Creative Nonfiction. You have some characterization, a strong voice, there might be a little dialogue... A theme is even indicated in certain posts.

    My primary suggestion is to break the pattern. Stay on the subject of shoes, for instance, but consider having a post that's a little more research oriented. Or interview some other shoe fanatic and give the reader a second point of view on this obsession. Lots of possibilities...

  2. I really liked how this post had a lot of underlying meanings other than just you liking to buy heels. It discusses the idea of learning to walk in heels as learning to walk all over again because no one walks around on their toes all day. It's interested that you say that heels are pretty much purchased because of how they make a woman feel; how a woman feels powerful and sexy the minute they slip into a pair of heels. It's ironic because that same woman sacrifices the ability to flee danger and walk without pain for the simple pleasure of impressing other people, which may eventually involve the need to run away or the feeling of great emotional pain. Nonetheless, I liked that you connected your favorite pair of heels with your boyfriend and how they always remind you of how sweet he is because he was willing to buy them for you.

  3. I love how you have your rules and numbered sections. I'm a 2 personally. I want to wear high heels but after so much time the kill my feet. I'm slowly working my way up so I can wear them for long periods of time. I also love high heels and can't resist buying them. Which is why I must build up my tolerance so I can walk in them. I think your stories are really funny and interesting. I always look forward to reading your posts.

  4. I really like the way you bring so much personality and personal story into your posts, it definitely makes them readable and interesting. You have a good sense of self-deprecating humor.

    I do second Donna's suggestion though, it would be cool if you switched it up somehow, to keep the readers guessing. I'm realizing I have to do something similar in my own blog.

  5. This is my favorite post so far! I love that you not only brought up the universal issue of women vs. heels, but related your date shoes to the story behind them and the relationship with your boyfriend. Awesome post!

  6. This post was entertaining with a touch of humor, which made for a great entry. I feel like you took the reader for a walk through the eyes of a girl. Heels are something that many women wear, sometimes it seems like some women us heels as a part of them. I never understood why some women went through the pain of heels. What difference did it make? But you truly delved into this perspective. I also liked when you mentioned your boyfriend. That made me chuckle a bit. Great job!
    -Chris McPherson
